• These Penguins Nap Thousands of Times Per Day

    These Penguins Nap Thousands of Times Per Day

    In what either sounds like a blissful cruise through life or hell on Earth, nesting chinstrap penguins apparently take thousands of naps per day, in order to get enough sleep while remaining alert to threats. Guarding a nest is busy work for a penguin; there are predators like the brown skua, which feed on penguin…

  • Researchers Made an IQ Test for AI, Found They’re All Pretty Stupid

    Researchers Made an IQ Test for AI, Found They’re All Pretty Stupid

    There’s been a lot of talk about AGI lately—artificial general intelligence—the much-coveted AI development goal. AGI refers to that still hypothetical point in the future when AI algorithms will be able to do most of the jobs that humans currently do. According to this narrative, the emergence of AGI will bring about fundamental changes in…