Sound Waves Let Researchers Build Stuff With the Force
What does the future of construction look like? Autonomous machines buzzing around a building site? Giant 3D printers extruding walls and floors? Looking forward even farther, researchers at the Public University of Navarre in Spain have been experimenting with using sound waves to make building materials simply float into position without any physical interaction required.
Clever Halloween Hack Uses Sound Waves to Simulate a Spooky Doodling Ghost
There’s really no wrong way to decorate for Halloween. It’s the effort that counts, even if all you do is toss some pumpkins on the porch, or set up an inflatable witch on the lawn. But there are those that go above and beyond the call of duty, like Dan Beaven, who leverages some cutting-edge…
International Project Will See How the Quiet of Covid-19 Affected the Oceans
Between offshore oil and gas drilling, shipping, wind turbines, and even jet skis, the ocean is a pretty loud place. But amid covid-19, a lot of that activity came to a halt. That’s given scientists a rare chance to examine how marine ecosystems respond to quieter soundscapes. A new initiative, the International Quiet Ocean Experiment…
UCLA Scientists Successfully ‘Jump-Start’ the Brains of People in a Coma-Like State
Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles are continuing to find success using ultrasound to “jump-start” the brains of people stuck in a minimally conscious state. In a report out this month, they detail two patients with chronic and severe brain injuries who experienced improvements in their awareness of the outside world after undergoing the…