ajit pai
U.S. Votes to Begin Reinstatement of Net Neutrality
The U.S. Federal Communications Commission voted Thursday in favour of restoring open internet protections for consumers and businesses, also referred to as net neutrality. Net neutrality first went into effect back in 2015 under the Obama administration. The idea being that internet providers should treat all traffic equally and not throttle or block certain traffic…
Police Group Says Biden’s FCC Nominee Is Too Dangerous Because, Uh, Encryption
The National Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), an organisation that represents hundreds of thousands of cops across the country, is hopping mad about President Joe Biden’s nominee to the governing board of the Federal Communications Commission. And no, their stated reasons don’t make a lot of sense.
Republican Plan to Keep the Internet Screwed Under Biden Moves Ahead
President-elect Joe Biden hasn’t even assumed office yet, and it’s already time for him to reach across the aisle and say with sincere force, “c’mon man!”
U.S. Federal Communications Commission Says It Won’t Crack Down On Media’s Fake Coronavirus Medical Advice
The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on Monday said it would not be taking any special steps to police the circulation of medical advice related to coronavirus outbreak by on-air media personalities who’ve touted unproven treatments and downplayed the virus by comparing it to the “common cold.”