american museum of natural history
The American Museum of Natural History’s Gems and Minerals Halls Get a Dazzling Upgrade
If you love things that sparkle with all the colours of the rainbow, glow in the dark, and seem to defy any definition of the term rock, you’ve got to visit the new Halls of Gems and Minerals at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. I recently got a preview of…
University Threatens Destruction Of Millions Of Specimens If Museum Of Natural History Collection Not Relocated
According to a Facebook post from the University of Louisiana at Monroe Museum of Natural History, administrators have demanded that 6.5 million plant and fish specimens must find a new home on campus within 48 hours or they will be have to be donated or destroyed. Apparently, space is needed for the track team.
All The Many Horrible Ways That Animals Can Kill You With Venom
Take a look at these fascinating videos explaining the many horrible ways that animals can use their hollow fangs, grooved teeth, lip glands, claws, spurs, spines, stings and tentacles to deliver venom for the sole purpose of paralysing and killing other animals — including humans.
Inside A Lethal Exhibit Dedicated To The Power Of Poison
Poison can be a curse, a killer, and even a medicine — an alchemical substance that appears in everything from myth to literature. You might not think of poison as being this multifaceted, but that’s exactly what the American Museum of Natural History’s new exhibit — The Power of Poison — delightfully urges you to…