antimicrobial resistance

  • New Strain of Extensively Drug-Resistant Gonorrhea Appears in Austria

    New Strain of Extensively Drug-Resistant Gonorrhea Appears in Austria

    The rise of super gonorrhea continues unabated. This week, scientists in Europe say they’ve discovered a new strain of extensively drug-resistant gonorrhea — the second such strain to be found worldwide in recent years. The bacteria was detected in April in a man from Austria, who likely caught it while travelling in Cambodia.

  • Fungicide-Treated Fruits May Harbour Deadly Super-Yeast, Study Finds

    Fungicide-Treated Fruits May Harbour Deadly Super-Yeast, Study Finds

    Recent research out of India raises concerns over the transmission risks of a harmful and hard-to-kill fungal infection. The study found drug-resistant strains of Candida auris on apples that had been treated with fungicides. The findings suggest that apples and other fruits dosed with these chemicals can inadvertently fuel the emergence and spread of this germ,…

  • Deadly Superbug Fungus Spotted in Louisiana for the First Time

    Deadly Superbug Fungus Spotted in Louisiana for the First Time

    A worrying superbug fungus has been spotted in Louisiana for the first time. On Tuesday, hospital officials reported that at least two patients at the University Medical Centre in New Orleans had contracted Candida auris, a deadly yeast often resistant to antifungals that can spread quickly in hospitals. The cases follow the first Oregon outbreak…