Marines Fought Each Other in Ancient Mycenaean Armor to See How Well It Worked
Sixty-four years ago, a team of archaeologists found a 3,500-year-old suit of armor in Dendra, Greece, several miles from the ancient site of Mycenae. Known as the Dendra Panoply, researchers were unsure if the resplendent suit of armor was purely ceremonial or battle-ready. Now, a team of experimental archaeologistshas put replicas of the armor through…
Monster Machines: How Armour Is Evolving To Beat Tank-Smashing RPGs
Like the AK-47, the Soviet RPG-7 rocket propelled grenade has become one of the most widely-distributed infantry weapons on Earth, used by everyone from E8 nations to guerrilla insurgency groups in every major conflict since Vietnam. But their ubiquitousness nature has kicked off a global race focused on how to beat them.
The US Army Didn’t Bother Testing 5 Million Bulletproof Body Plates
When you’re in a warzone, it’s nice to take the slightest comfort in knowing that someone tested the armour you have strapped to your chest, crotch, and arms. But according to a new Pentagon report, the Army botched it hard.