artificial neural networks

  • Microsoft May Go Nuclear to Support Its Energy-Hungry AI

    Microsoft May Go Nuclear to Support Its Energy-Hungry AI

    Artificial intelligence has proved a costly endeavour—well, yes, in terms of money, but AI requires massive amounts of energy, and water consumption to operate at scale. That hasn’t stopped big tech companies such as Google and Microsoft from putting that energy-hungry AI into practically every single one of their user and enterprise end-products. Big daddy…

  • ChatGPT Is Growing Eyes and Ears to Better Respond to Your Human Whims

    ChatGPT Is Growing Eyes and Ears to Better Respond to Your Human Whims

    On Monday, ChatGPT-maker OpenAI announced it was starting to roll out voice and image recognition in ChatGPT. Essentially, the AI can recognize a picture for what it is, and communicate with users about it. Plus, the AI now has speech-to-text and text-to-speech synthesization capabilities. All the new features are supposed to make the chatbot seem…

  • Anti-Piracy Group Takes Massive AI Training Dataset ‘Books3′ Offline

    Anti-Piracy Group Takes Massive AI Training Dataset ‘Books3′ Offline

    One of the most prominent pirated book repositories used for training AI, Books3, has been kicked out from the online nest it had been roosting in for nearly three years. Rights-holders have been at war with online pirates for decades, but artificial intelligence is like oil seeping into copyright law’s water. The two simply do…