
  • Honda ASIMO rocks with Gizmodo AU, all the hits

    Here’s a quick recap of this week’s videos from our personal encounter with Honda ASIMO: ASIMO makes his grand Robot Rock entrance at Sydney show. My first encounter. The new best buddies hitting the dance floor. Getting up close and personal.

  • Honda ASIMO rocks with Gizmodo AU, part 2.1

    Here’s my first mano et mano encounter with ASIMO. Naturally, he has to make a grand entrance. This was also a lesson in just how far things still have to go. There is a very specific procedure one must follow to shake hands, and as you’ll see I was off sequence for a moment and…

  • Honda ASIMO set to tour Australia in October

    Good news, robot fans! Honda’s ever-so-cute robot friend ASIMO is going to tour Australia this October. Exact dates and venues are yet to be finalised, but it will be hitting a number of major cities around the country. That’s all we have for now, but we’ll certainly be doing all we can to get up…