One of the World’s Most Extreme Horror Movie Directors Made a 19-Minute Film for Apple
Anybody who has seen the 1999 film Audition knows that Takashi Miike is one sick puppy. Known for his extremely graphic horror films, Miike has made some of the most visually inventive and frightening movies I’ve ever seen. That’s what makes it so weird that Miike’s latest work is a 19-minute short for Apple. Yes,…
Star Wars Secrecy Caused Michael B. Jordan to Bomb His Force Awakens Audition
Lucasfilm values its secrecy. It’s so worried about and vigilant against leaks about their upcoming Star Wars projects, they keep scripts locked away until actors come to them to audition, and lock them back up when the actors leave. It’s a process that gives actors virtually no time to prepare — which is a huge…
Watch Dafne Keen Give Hugh Jackman Bruises In Her Super-Intense Logan Audition
Video: Despite being Hugh Jackman’s final outing as Wolverine, the real star of Logan turned out to be Dafne Keen. Finding a very young actress to not only share a screen with Jackman, but sometimes outshine him, sounds like a nearly impossible task. But after you see this clip of Keen’s audition, you’ll realise casting…