We Were Told We’d All Be Riding in Self-Driving Cars by Now. Where Are They?
The autonomous vehicle revolution was, according to its proponents, meant to have transformed daily travel by now.
The Failure Of This Self-Driving Truck Company Tells You All You Need To Know About Self-Driving Vehicles
Starsky Robotics is a self-driving truck company that was the first company to run an unmanned semi on a public highway. It’s now shutting down though, and its co-founder has some unusually sensible and honest things to say about the industry, unusual only because the industry is stuffed with charlatans.
Charlie Jane Anders And Annalee Newitz On Creating Worlds, And How To Tell If You’re In An Alternate Timeline
Readers of Gizmodo are no doubt very aware that since leaving the site, io9 co-founders Charlie Jane Anders and Annalee Newitz have gone on to write their own award-winning works of fiction. But how do science fiction and fantasy bloggers move to writing science fiction themselves? At a recent talk in London, England, the duo…
The Ethics And Fears Of Driverless Cars
Driverless cars hold the promise of safer transport. But how should they react when loss of life appears inevitable? Should a car swerve to miss a pedestrian on the road, even if doing so would kill the passenger?