
  • Can a Poo Transplant a Day Really Keep the Doctor Away?

    Can a Poo Transplant a Day Really Keep the Doctor Away?

    In a world first, two Australians with bipolar have had poo transplants, their symptoms improved, and their cases written up in peer-reviewed journals. One of us (Parker) treated the second of these patients with so-called faecal microbiota transplantation, and published his case study in recent weeks. The other (Green) is part of a team recruiting…

  • Bacteria Refuse to Die Even After 1,000 Days With No Food

    Bacteria Refuse to Die Even After 1,000 Days With No Food

    Scientists starved different groups of bacteria for over two and a half years, but, despite practically no food, most groups managed to survive just fine. The findings, the researchers argue, indicate that some populations of bacteria are capable of enduring for up to 100,000 years.

  • America’s First Composting Funeral Home Is Finally Open

    America’s First Composting Funeral Home Is Finally Open

    Death is inevitable. But Seattle-based company Recompose is giving people a new way to exit this mortal coil: Having their remains laid in a tube of mulch and soil and letting bacteria turn them into compost in a month’s time. After having opened their doors earlier this winter, Recompose is now fully getting to work…