
  • Giftmodo: 10 Sonic Gifts For Your Favourite Audio Nerd

    Do you know that one person in your life that carries around massive headphones wherever they go, that has all their music downloaded in lossless FLAC format, and that has a vinyl collection growing faster than the hole in the ozone layer? Here are 10 presents that you can buy for any discerning audiophile to…

  • Beats Solo3 Wireless Headphones: Australian Review

    Beats’ new headphones are Bluetooth, but better. You don’t even have to touch your phone to pair them, battery life is twice as long as previous generation. And they’re Beats, so if you buy them then you’re instantly the coolest guy in the room. But what do they actually sound like?

  • Lunch Time Deals: Buy A Mac, Get Free Beats Headphones

    When you’re buying your lunch today, you might want to take a moment and spend a little more. Gizmodo’s Lunch Time Deals posts point out any particularly good bargains for Aussie bargain hunters around the ‘net. As a back to school special, Apple is giving away $259.95 Beats Solo2 headphones if you’re buying a new…