ben reilly

  • Across the Spider-Verse Almost Had a Crazy Spider-Man Game Easter Egg

    Across the Spider-Verse Almost Had a Crazy Spider-Man Game Easter Egg

    Some of the best moments in both Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse and Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 are the cross-medium crossovers. In Spider-Verse, the game’s Spider-Man briefly appears in Miguel O’Hara’s world. In Spider-Man 2, there’s a brief reference to Miguel and the movie’s multiverse too. Considering both projects were made independently, that there’s any crossover at…

  • Spider-Man 2 Helps Miles Morales Become His Ultimate Self

    Spider-Man 2 Helps Miles Morales Become His Ultimate Self

    The shadow of Peter Parker hovers over every Spider-hero, and none more than Miles Morales. Since his debut in 2011, he’s gradually gone from being one of many Spider-heroes to one of the most important Spiders in the entire Marvel line, positioned as the Nightwing to Peter Parker’s Batman. With Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, the tension…