branches of biology
Samsung Galaxy Watch’s Irregular Heartbeat Monitoring Feature Is Coming This Winter
Samsung’s Galaxy Watch will soon ask users to check if something more than newfound love is sending their heart a-fluttering. The watch is joining other wearables from the likes of Google and Apple that let users track if they experience any periods of irregular heart rhythm.
Huge Jellyfish Is Extremely Rare, Nightmare Fuel
This post could go a few ways. I could start by saying, wow, the ocean is incredible. Or perhaps I could start by saying I hope you didn’t plan to sleep tonight. That’s because the giant phantom jelly captured by Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute is a bit of a Rorschach test, one that can…
Climate Change Is Shifting How Plants Evolve, Seed Banks May Have to Adapt, Too
The ancestor of your stir-fry might be growing closer than you think. Wild field mustard, or Brassica rapa, is an unassuming plant that reaches a couple of feet tall and produces clusters of small, yellow flowers perched atop spindly green stalks. It is the nearest wild relative to such produce aisle hits as turnips, napa…
Giant Bacteria Visible to the Naked Eye Discovered in Mangrove Swamp
A team of scientists discovered a macroscopic species of bacterium living in the waters off Guadeloupe in the Caribbean, shifting the scales of how big we thought bacteria could be. The newly discovered species is named Thiomargarita (sulphur pearl) magnifica, and it is so large that its single cells are visible to the naked eye.