5 Tips That’ll Get You the Most Use From Google Calendar
Google Calendar probably isn’t the sexiest service offered by the search giant, but you can do more with it than just schedule meetings.
This New Google Calendar Feature Basically Flags Meetings That Could’ve Been Emails
Google Calendar has implemented a new ‘Time Insights’ function that allows users to see how much time they’re spending in meetings.
Finally! You’ll Be Able To Move Events Between Google Calendars On Your Phone
If you’ve ever tried editing your Google Calendar from your phone, then you know it can be a total drag. But now it appears Google is rolling out an update that will let you move your events from one calendar to another.
How Did The 12 Months Of The Year Get Their Names?
Video: The simple and obvious answer: They come from the Romans. But the whole story on how the months of the year got their names is a little bit more interesting and includes bits about how the calendar first started in March, how they just started naming months after numbers after June, how there were…