
  • Watch A CD Get Completely Erased With Bolts Of Electricity

    Watch A CD Get Completely Erased With Bolts Of Electricity

    Video: Here’s a really good reason to start using CDs again: so you can erase them with electricity. Watch the data on the CD just totally vanish as the electric bolts just zaps everything into oblivion. Photonicinduction played around with it and shows us what it all looks like in the video below.

  • 6,000 Used CDs Never Looked So Pretty

    6,000 Used CDs Never Looked So Pretty

    One person’s trash is another visionary person’s community art project. In this clever and beautiful repurposing of old CDs, Ignatov Architects has created Mirror Culture, a shimmery entrance to the public park in Varna, Bulgaria. A bunch of used CDs never looked so good.

  • How Often Do You Use Your Computer’s Optical Drive?

    How Often Do You Use Your Computer’s Optical Drive?

    Thirty years ago, the CD was born. This, of course, was the medium that would usher in the era of optical drives, a technology that dominated personal computing for decades. And though it’s not completely dead, it’s certainly on its way out. In fact, I honestly can’t even remember the last time I used mine.…