The 15 Most Fun Evolutionary Adaptations
Billions of years of evolution has given rise to us, the millions of species that persist on planet Earth today. Some of us are small, some of us are big, and some of us have huge ears, flat tails, compound eyes, or infrared vision. Each of these adaptations has its merits, but only a handful…
There Are Even More Wild Rumours About Who’s Joining the Kraven Movie
Renfield’s cast continues to expand, mysteriously, as does the cast for the sequel to The Meg. Get a glimpse of what’s coming on the season finales of Legends of Tomorrow and Batwoman. Plus, a new look at Pompo The Cinephile’s western release. Spoilers away!
Ridiculously Tiny Chameleons Discovered in Madagascar
Researchers have found a minuscule chameleon in Northern Madagascar, which they believe to be the smallest reptile on the planet. Small body, big attitude — just look at that face.
This Chameleon Is Actually An Amazing Bodypainting
Yep. Believe it or not, this is not a stunning picture of a chameleon. It is the latest bodypaintng piece by the Italian artist Johannes Stötter. I had to wait until the end of the video to realise there were actually two women.