
  • Why Did CNN Just Buy A Totally Useless App?

    Why Did CNN Just Buy A Totally Useless App?

    This morning, CNN announced that it had acquired Beme, YouTube vlogger Casey Neistat’s middling, authenticity-obsessed social media app. Neistat, co-founder Matt Hackett and the app’s team will all join CNN’s ranks, where they will “launch a new media brand dedicated to timely and topical video content powered by bleeding edge mobile technology”.

  • Apparently No One At CNN Has Ever Sexted Before

    Apparently No One At CNN Has Ever Sexted Before

    CNN is the latest publication to publish an alarmist guide to teen sexting. It’s full of nonsensical combinations of letters that no human would ever tap into a text. But to be sure, we took some of this absurdist lingo for a spin, just to make sure it’s totally bonkers. It is.