The Gaming Shelf Gears Up for an Anti-Capitalist Apocalypse
It feels like the last month of gaming news has been a whole decade. Remember the OGL 1.1? That happened less than three weeks ago! For those of you who don’t pay attention to Dungeons & Dragons (teach me your ways), you can check out our explainer here. Otherwise, here’s some incredible games as we gear…
The Wonderful 101’s Enduring Superpower Is Its Focus on Teamwork and Community
In the world of recently remastered and re-released action-adventure game that originally launched in 2013 for the Nintendo Wii U, the planet’s best line of defence against an invading army of aliens is a massive squad of sentai-like superheroes who, in addition to having a variety of powers, are able to combine together to form…
Resurrecting Community Wasn’t Enough To Keep Yahoo’s TV Dreams Alive
Yahoo Screen, the company’s experiment in original television content — and the home of Community’s final season — is finally dead.
Stan Is Fast-Tracking Community’s Next Season, Airs 18 March
Community, the comedy series formerly housed at US broadcaster NBC, just doesn’t want to die. It was first cancelled after the fifth season, only to be thrown a lifeline by Yahoo in the form of a 13-episode season six. With the new shows arriving in late March, it’s almost as if Community was never axed,…