
  • Users Claim the Latest Windows 10 Update Breaks Some Printers

    Users Claim the Latest Windows 10 Update Breaks Some Printers

    Windows 10 seems to hate the idea of physical print, though it’s not like Microsoft’s OS is trying to save on paper. Users have reported that the latest automatic Windows 10 update has borked certain printer brands, while others claim the update has caused further issues with unresponsive desktop icons or issues with File Explorer,…

  • Sound Waves Let Researchers Build Stuff With the Force

    Sound Waves Let Researchers Build Stuff With the Force

    What does the future of construction look like? Autonomous machines buzzing around a building site? Giant 3D printers extruding walls and floors? Looking forward even farther, researchers at the Public University of Navarre in Spain have been experimenting with using sound waves to make building materials simply float into position without any physical interaction required.