These Crows Evolved Into A New Species, Boned The Old Species Too Much, Now Back Where They Started
Hundreds of thousands of years ago, a glacier advanced upon the Pacific Northwest, its ice forming a natural barrier that fractured crows into two populations. These populations began to diverge into two separate species, which ornithologists decided were distinguishable by small differences in body measurements and the sounds they made. At least, that’s what they…
French Theme Park Employs Trained Birds To Pick Up Cigarette Butts
A French theme park has begun using six trained birds belonging to the crow family to pick up litter and cigarette butts, the BBC reports.
Neat Experiment Suggests Crows Are Even Better Toolmakers Than We Thought
A New Caledonian crow building a tool card.Photo: Sarah Jelbert New research shows that crows can recreate tools from memory, a capacity previously thought impossible for birds.