
  • Can A Hearse Drift?

    Can A Hearse Drift?

    I recently fell into a sea of drifting videos on YouTube, because I am a very normal human. In my digital travels I came across the Will It Drift? series from Autocar. The channel has been around for a long time and has an enormous amount of content. I was drawn to the drifting series,…

  • How To Get Better Action Cam Footage

    How To Get Better Action Cam Footage

    Action cameras seem simple enough. Strap it to your head, hit record and go, right? While that’s essentially true, your video may not turn out like the ones you see the pros making. So we wrangled up some of them up at the X Games, and got some simple, easy to incorporate tips that will…

  • Battlemodo: The Best Action Camera

    Action cams have always sounded great. Just strap them to a bike, a surfboard, a car or a helmet, and record a ride from the daredevil’s point of view. Now they’re getting fancy, with full 1080p HD recording, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and GPS. So which is the right one to capture your classic runs and epic…