emerging technologies

  • ‘That Was Insane!’ AI Quadcopter Dethrones Top Human Drone Racers

    ‘That Was Insane!’ AI Quadcopter Dethrones Top Human Drone Racers

    Well, chalk another victory up for the machines. After successfully beating humans in Chess, Go, and a variety of video games, AI has now beaten humanity’s best drone racers. Three world champion drone pilots were recently defeated in a competition by an autonomous, artificial-intelligence-powered drone called Swift. The AI-equipped drone, developed by researchers at the…

  • Content Farms Are Using AI Chatbots to Plagiarise News Outlets

    Content Farms Are Using AI Chatbots to Plagiarise News Outlets

    Online content farms are using AI chatbots to “scramble and rewrite” thousands of news stories from major publications like The New York Times and republish them to earn advertising revenue, according to a new report from misinformation monitor NewsGuard. The stories, which often repurposed entire lines directly from other articles without credit, were found on…