
  • Quite Possibly The Funnest Use Of Emoji

    Quite Possibly The Funnest Use Of Emoji

    Emojis are almost always fun. I mean, does it get better than throwing up hilarious characters like a hammering toilet with winged money to friends or changing Jay-Z and Kanye West lyrics to Emoji so hard? Didn’t think so. But what about those shape emojis? THOSE are useless. Until now.

  • Patent Trolls Suing Samsung And RIM Over Emoticons (o_O)

    Patent Trolls Suing Samsung And RIM Over Emoticons (o_O)

    I bet when you’re texting with friends you like to drop a 🙂 or maybe a ;-). If you’re really up on your game, it’s possible you toss in a (^_^). And because RIM and Samsung decided to include a quick-access key for these wonderful digital creations on their smartphones, some soulless patent trolls got…

  • Emoticon Rings Put Your Feelings On Your Fingers

    Emoticon Rings Put Your Feelings On Your Fingers

    Chao & Eero Jewel from Finland made these hilarious emoticon rings that show happy faces, smiling eyes and other forms of emoticons in ring form. Nothing like expressing your feelings right on your sleeve, er, finger these days, right? Though I do wish I could get a stone face or cry face ring for those…

  • Revision. Emoticon History 101 🙂

    An email came in the other day from the ninemsn people about emoticonworld.com.au and I kinda brushed it off. Yeah, yeah… emoticons. 10th anniversary of Windows Live… yada, yada. But then last night’s item about emo the meatspace emoticon surfaced and I thought to myself: “Self, a history lesson is in order”.