fight the filter
The Filter Is Dead: Australian Government Dumps Controversial Filtering Project [Updated]
Almost three years ago now, Senator Stephen Conroy stepped up to the plate to deliver a bold new vision. A vision of a filtered, “safer” internet. The plan was met by hostility from internet rights activists, poiticians, internet users, internet service providers and interest groups alike. Tonight, however, the Labor government’s proposed mandatory internet filter…
Opinion: What Is Good Australian Government Filter Policy Anyway?
Giz is no fan of the current government’s mandatory filtering proposal, but the history of Australian government net filtering is rife with wasted money and wasted opportunities. Realistically, though, what should any government be doing?
Government Closes Branch Responsible For Mandatory Filtering (But Still Wants It Introduced)
John Hilvert over at ITNews has reported that the federal government has closed the branch responsible for mandatory ISP level filtering in the DBCDE, yet remains committed to filtering the internets.
Thailand’s IT Minister Admits Blacklist Filters Don’t Work
Although the government’s proposed internet filter has effectively been delayed until 2013 at the earliest, it still hasn’t been scrapped completely. Adding fuel to the fire that would burn the policy to ash is the revelation that Thailand’s IT minister has recently admitted to ZDNet that blacklist filtering doesn’t work, and that he believes Thailand…