
  • Love Defies Science and Technology in Dystopian Tale Fingernails

    Love Defies Science and Technology in Dystopian Tale Fingernails

    Fingernails imagines a world where true love can be proven with the help of technology that ascertains what makes two people an ideal match. Sounds tidy, until a woman newly hired at a love-testing lab starts to fall for her co-worker… despite the fact that she’s already got a scientifically certified perfect partner at home.…

  • The Genius Nail Capsule Captures Flying Finger Shrapnel

    The Genius Nail Capsule Captures Flying Finger Shrapnel

    For every genuinely clever device that manages to succeed on Kickstarter, there are 1000 other ridiculous crowdfunding campaigns that thankfully don’t succeed. There’s a chance you might roll your eyes at the Nail Capsule, unless you’re not a monster and hate the thought of fingernail clippings flying all over the place.

  • Touchscreen-Friendly Fingernails Turn Every Digit Into A Stylus

    If you’re a fan of long fingernails, you’ve probably already developed special techniques for using touchscreen devices. But Sri Vellanki, the creator of a fingertip stylus called Tech Tips, feels women shouldn’t be limited to what technology they can use because of their fashion choices. So she’s developed a touchscreen-friendly fingernail that works like a…