
  • Flashback: How Yahoo Killed Flickr And Lost The Internet

    Flashback: How Yahoo Killed Flickr And Lost The Internet

    In the wake of Yahoo’s $US1.1 billion acquisition of beloved social platform Tumblr, it’s perhaps worth looking back what the company did after it caught — and gutted — another big fish. Yes, Yahoo’s a different company now, especially with Marissa Mayer at the helm. And Tumblr, along with its price tag, are an order…

  • Yahoo Just Made The Most Beautiful Weather App

    Yahoo Just Made The Most Beautiful Weather App

    For most of us, the weather dictates a lot of our day. Aren’t you constantly checking the weather on your phone? Now, there’s definitely a glut of weather apps available, and most of them you can write off. But Yahoo has released its own weather app today, and it’s one of the prettiest apps around.