This Electric Fork Simulates A Salty Flavour By Shocking Your Tongue
Dousing every meal in salt might make food tastier, but all that extra sodium is eventually going to raise your blood pressure — giving you bigger problems than bland food. So researchers in Japan have built a prototype electric fork that uses electrical stimulation to simulate the taste of salt.
Credit Card Fork For BYOC (Bring Your Own Cutlery) Parties
If you’re the type who tries to maintain a constant state of readiness for any emergency, Devon Briggs’s folding credit card fork will ensure you never have to resort to eating with your hands at a party or fast food joint.
Your Fork Is Why You’re Fat
Next time you go out to a restaurant, request a big fork. According to researchers, it’s an effective way to control how much you eat – without leaving you hungry at the end of the meal.
The Eatensil: For All Those Times You Need A Pizza Cutter On The Go
The Eatenisil combines seven tools which make eating easier – a spoon, fork, knife, pizza cutter, chopsticks, bottle opener and wooden chip fork – all in a Swiss Army Knife-type casing. Novel indeed, but I have to ask: why?