Why You Have B.O. + Other Sweaty Facts
With all the exuberant resolutions and New Year’s exercising, there’s going to be a lot of sweat — or sweating it — this month. The anxiety got us wondering, why do we sweat? Is it different in smell and texture depending on the cause? Does it sometimes maybe even smell good?
Pop Rocks To Slurpees: The Science Of America’s Wackiest Summer Treats
Decades before molecular gastronomists were hocking vodka mist and caviar foam, we had food that was just plain fun: Pop Rocks, Magic Shell, and countless other strange creations that required a science lab to invent.
Giz Explains: Why You Have Bad Breath In The Morning
You brush. You floss. You swish some burning mint-laced liquid around in your mouth until it hurts. You go to bed with an oral hygiene gold star, and you wake up with white gloop connecting your lips and some vile odour emanating from it. WTF happens in our mouths while we sleep?
How The Creator Of Wonder Woman Also Invented The Lie Detector
We learn to lie around the age of two or three. By the time we’re adults, we do it a lot — at least once a day, and perhaps more like 2.92 lies in 10 minutes, according to a recent study published in the Journal of Basic and Applied Psychology. It’s no wonder we’ve been…