game time

  • How The Internet Filter Will Affect Video Games

    All Giz readers know that there are two major battles being waged between government and geeks across the country: the mandatory internet filter and an R18+ rating for video games. But how will one affect the other? Luke over at Kotaku contacted the minister to find out, and the good news is that it’s not…

  • Alienware Launches The Australian Clan Challenge

    PC gamers, here’s a spot of good news for you. Alienware today has launched the Australian Clan Challenge, an online Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare tournament that will culminate in a 5 on 5 clan final to see who’s the best PC gaming clan in the country. Plus, there are prizes!

  • There’s More To Gamers4Croydon Than Classification

    If you live in a state of anger and frustration about Australia’s ridiculous classifications scheme, you’ll be aware of political party Gamers4Croydon. Kotaku readers had the chance to ask the political party a heap of questions last week, and David has posted the responses this morning, and it’s well worth a read. [Kotaku]