The Rise Hydroponic Garden Holds an Aspiring Farmer’s Hand With Its App-Assisted Green Thumb
Growing fruits and veggies isn’t a terribly difficult endeavour—humanity has been doing it successfully for thousands of years—but it does require a certain amount of know-how, a lot of dedication, and the right environment to turn seeds into edible plants. If you struggle with all of those things, the hydroponic Rise Garden makes growing plants…
Moen’s New Smart Faucets Can Be Controlled Entirely With Gestures
Whatever the post-covid world looks like, most of us are going to be a little more conscious about germs, which makes Moen’s new smart faucets a perfectly timed upgrade. The latest version allows the faucets to be operated using just hand gestures, eliminating the need for a handle altogether.
This Autonomous Garden Would Roll Its Way To The Perfect Plot
If you lack the skills to keep plants alive, this architectural concept might appeal. Called Hortum Machina B, the sphere contains electronics that enable it to sense its surroundings and move in order to keep its internal garden healthy.
A Tower PC For Your Less Than Legal Hobbies
Gardening can be a relaxing and rewarding hobby. But sometimes, depending on your choice of crops, you need to keep that hobby under wraps. And that’s where The Server Farm comes in. It looks like a vanilla desktop PC, but inside you’ll find grow lights, reflection panels and a compact watering system.