
  • What A Creationist Version Of The Cosmos Would Look Like

    What A Creationist Version Of The Cosmos Would Look Like

    Video: Funny or Die pokes fun of those who like listening to stories over understanding science in its latest: Creationist Cosmos. It’s like the new Neil DeGrasse Tyson Cosmos reboot TV show only made for Creationists. So instead of explanations about the universe, we get very unscientific reasons of why things exist. It’s all in…

  • The Hilarious Differences Between Video Games And Real Life

    The Hilarious Differences Between Video Games And Real Life

    If only video games were real life, right? Caffeine could be ditched for super star power ups, quests would be fun to do and rewarding as opposed to simply job saving and you wouldn’t have to worry about budgeting because you would buy everything since it’s so easy to make money. Ah, video game life…