
  • Drinking for Your Health Isn’t Really a Thing, Study Finds

    Drinking for Your Health Isn’t Really a Thing, Study Finds

    A new study is the latest to suggest that modest alcohol consumption isn’t likely to provide any health benefits. The research, a review of existing studies, found no strong evidence that light to moderate drinking can reduce people’s risk of dying early. Past studies that did find a positive effect might have failed to account…

  • Caffeine Might Reduce the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity

    Caffeine Might Reduce the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity

    New research has found a possible link between having high levels of caffeine in your blood and a reduced risk of high body fat and type 2 diabetes. The authors say that clinical trials should be done to confirm whether calorie-free caffeinated drinks can help prevent these conditions.