high definition
High Definition Footage Of New York, In 1993?!
No, that’s not a typo. Yes, those are real life people from 1993. This video is fascinating.
The Future Of 3D Sport And High Definition In Australia
The promise for the living room of the future. One where rugby players would leap out of your television to ground a winning try on your living room rug. That future was a false start: Australia’s major TV networks are killing off 3D broadcasting. But take a knee, for not all is lost. Here is…
QOTD: How Would You Rate Australia’s One HD, One Year In?
Today celebrates the first birthday of Channel 10’s attempt to multi-channel in high definition: One HD. And despite the fact that some areas of Australia still haven’t got the channel, one year seems like a pretty good point to look back and rate the performance of the country’s first true free-to-air HD multichannel offering.
Australian Playstation Network Getting Movies And TV Shows Within 18 Months?
Last week, Sony held a big media event in Sydney to showcase their latest lineup of Bravia TVs. During the presentation, a clip of Jack Ford, executive Vice President and MD of Sony Pictures Television was shown. And he hinted at the most wonderful things…