
  • Here Are 2,000 Hollywood Screenplays, Analysed By Gender And Age

    The folks over at Polygraph have decided there’s “all rhetoric and no data” surrounding the debate around diversity in Hollywood, so they’ve taken 2,000 screenplays and put them through the magic data machine to lots of graphs with big blue bars and smaller red bars. Have a guess which is which.

  • Sundance’s VR Films Are A Frickin’ Emotional Roller Coaster

    Sundance’s VR Films Are A Frickin’ Emotional Roller Coaster

    If this year’s Sundance Film Festival is any indication, virtual reality is about to hit the mainstream. Under a program called “New Frontier”, the festival is promoting eleven independently produced VR films. The finalists have been chosen from hundreds of entries and among them are some short documentaries, horrifying acid trips and even a Reggie…