
  • What’s The Point of Expanding Album Covers with AI?

    What’s The Point of Expanding Album Covers with AI?

    The beauty of a good album cover is that it can perfectly encapsulate the mood of a dozen or so songs in a single image or illustration — and that’s a difficult feat when you only have a square-sized canvas to work with. In order to depict the world that an album takes place in,…

  • 100 Iconic Costumes Of Popular Characters From Pop Culture

    100 Iconic Costumes Of Popular Characters From Pop Culture

    Here’s a neat infographic-type, sort of poster illustration of 100 famous costumes from characters in movies, television and video games. It’s fun to see the outfits that are instantly recognisable (superheroes, Star Wars, etc) against those that require a little memory refreshment (The Breakfast Club, Rebel Without a Cause, etc).