World’s First 110-Inch, 16K TV Has Over 132 Million Pixels
Streaming services and TV makers are still slowly inching towards an 8K future, but China’s BOE thinks consumers deserve better than having to subject their eyes to screens with a mere 33 million pixels. The company recently debuted a 16K TV featuring over 132 million pixels, each too small for the human eye to perceive,…
Understand YouTube’s New ‘1080p Premium’ Before You Subscribe for It
If you don’t watch YouTube enough, YouTube Premium isn’t worth the monthly cost.
Kobo Upgraded Its Elipsa E-Note With a Screen That Won’t Screw Up Your Sleep
When it first debuted back in 2021, our biggest complaint about Kobo’s first digital notepad, the Elipsa, was a lack of colour temperature adjustments for its electronic paper screen. With the new Elipsa 2E, Kobo has remedied that, but are minor improvements to its e-note enough to help it take on both reMarkable and Amazon…
Dish Network Confirms Hack Following Chaotic Multi-Day Outage
Dish Network, the television provider and satellite/telecoms company, has been hacked, according to a statement published Tuesday on its website. Dish — which owns Boost Mobile, Sling TV, and, weirdly, the last remaining scraps of Blockbuster, among other subsidiaries — has been experiencing significant disruption since February 23.