
  • Next Up, Tesla Will Take On 7-Eleven

    Next Up, Tesla Will Take On 7-Eleven

    Back in 2013, the sky was the limit for Tesla and Elon Musk was promising a low-cost 90-second battery swap at charging stations in the future. Since then, reality has set in and those plans seem to be on hold. What’s the next best solution for those long charging times? Maybe put your feet up…

  • New Analysis Confirms Why The Skagit River Bridge Collapsed

    New Analysis Confirms Why The Skagit River Bridge Collapsed

    In May 2013, a bridge spanning the Skagit River along Interstate 5 in Washington state catastrophically collapsed, after an oversized trailer clipped one of the bridge’s cross beams. A new analysis by engineers at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign confirms the many factors that contributed to the collapse, and offers recommendations for how…