internet privacy

  • UN Warns Unregulated Neurotechnology Threatens ‘Freedom of Thought’

    UN Warns Unregulated Neurotechnology Threatens ‘Freedom of Thought’

    The UN is advising against neurotechnology using unregulated AI chip implantations, saying it poses a grave risk to people’s mental privacy. Unregulated neurotechnology could pose harmful long-term risks, the UN says, such as shaping the way a young person thinks or accessing private thoughts and emotions. It specified its concerns centered around “unregulated neurotechnology,” and…

  • Facebook Lets Parents See Who Their Kids Are Talking to on Messenger

    Facebook Lets Parents See Who Their Kids Are Talking to on Messenger

    Meta has unveiled a suite of new safety tools intended to give parents more oversight of their teen’s activity on Messenger and Instagram DMs. Starting today, parents and guardians can view how much time their teen spends on Messenger, receive updates on changes to their contact lists and privacy settings, and receive a notification if…