
  • How To Improve Your Wi-Fi Speeds When Everyone’s Home

    How To Improve Your Wi-Fi Speeds When Everyone’s Home

    Chances are, your home internet is under a lot more strain than normal at the moment: With schools and workplaces temporarily closing all across the globe, you might well be fighting with your family or your housemates for any available bandwidth. If you want to limit buffering and maximise speeds, we’ve got a few tips…

  • Why Is Social Media So Addictive?

    Why Is Social Media So Addictive?

    Social media is awful and whatever pleasures it confers in the form of mildly amusing memes or a fleeting sense of community/belonging are massively outweighed by its well-documented downsides whose psychic consequences are of interest to its owners only in the sense that past a certain threshold people might turn away from their platforms and…