iphone 5c

  • The iPhone 5S Is Now Officially Obsolete

    The iPhone 5S Is Now Officially Obsolete

    The inexorable march toward the grave continues for all of us, though at the very least, we don’t have a capricious deity named Apple deciding our fate. For those still holding on to your iPhone 5S, you should know Apple has officially put the old phone out to pasture by sticking it in its official…

  • Sorry, But Your IPhone 5 Is About To Become Obsolete

    Sorry, But Your IPhone 5 Is About To Become Obsolete

    Image: Gizmodo Apple’s pulling the cord on its iOS guillotine a little early this year. The next operating system update will reportedly only be available for the iPhone 5S and newer devices. That means if you have an iPhone 5 or an iPhone 5C, your expensive slab of aluminium and glass is about to become…