iphone 5c

  • iPhone 5C Meta-Review: Colourful Plastic Masks Sure Are Fun

    iPhone 5C Meta-Review: Colourful Plastic Masks Sure Are Fun

    The iPhone hasn’t delved into the recycled slums of plastic since the days of the 3GS. That was way back in 2009. But with the iPhone 5c, colourful plastic is now in vogue. How much better has Apple gotten at doing plastic? How does it compare to other plastic phones? And most importantly, why should…

  • How Different Your Favourite Apps Look In iOS 7

    How Different Your Favourite Apps Look In iOS 7

    All that chatter about the death of skeuomorphism and the rise of flat design, iOS 7 is finally here. It’s got a new look, which means your apps do too. We’re compiling all of your favourite apps in both their old and updated forms so you can see exactly what’s changed and what’s pretty much…