jean luc picard

  • A Brief History of Star Trek’s Time Travel

    A Brief History of Star Trek’s Time Travel

    Time travel and Star Trek have gone hand in temporally adjacent hand since practically the beginning of the franchise. Like time itself, the narrative fluidity time-travel stories provide has allowed Star Trek in all of its iterations to explore its themes and characters in unique and compelling ways over the years. Now that Picard’s second…

  • Sorry, Captain Picard, Your Taste in Tea Sucks

    Sorry, Captain Picard, Your Taste in Tea Sucks

    Every June 16 we gather to celebrate Captain Picard, for it is — based on a loose extrapolation of the stardate of Star Trek: The Next Generation’s season seven episode “The Pegasus” — Captain Picard Day. A day to recall his triumphs, his heroism, his morals, and his earnest sincerity. Not this year. This year…