kristen stewart

  • ‘Happiest Season’ Is All I Want For Christmas

    ‘Happiest Season’ Is All I Want For Christmas

    Christmas truly is the most wonderful time of year. There’s family, delicious food, presents and, most importantly, a lot of cheesy romantic Christmas movies. For the longest time, these terrible, cheesy Christmas movies my wife and I love so much all fit into the same specific genre with no exceptions: heterosexual nonsense. But this year,…

  • Underwater, No One Can Hear You Scream

    Underwater, No One Can Hear You Scream

    As movies like The Abyss have shown, being stranded at the bottom of the ocean is as dangerous as being stranded in outer space. And as movies like The Meg have shown, there can be very unfriendly things lurking in the depths. Underwater combines both, with Kristen Stewart starring in what appears to be the…