You Could Transfer the World’s Entire Internet Traffic Twice in One Go With This New Tech
Researchers have smashed an optical chip data transmission record, transferring more than one petabit per second in a breakthrough study.
MIT Engineers Create Laser Ultrasounds That Can Look Inside Your Body Without You Even Feeling It
Engineers at MIT have come up with a new approach to medical imaging that is both non-invasive and hands-off the patient. Using lasers, they can peer beneath the surface of the skin without any physical contact required, improving upon the limitations of equipment like ultrasound machines.
The Laser Weapon Is Really, Really Finally Here
Rejoice if you look towards the dystopia of the Star Wars universe, for laser weapons have finally, at long last, arrived. The laser, a weapon system perpetually “ten or fifteen years away” from operational use, is off the development treadmill and entering the field. In addition to the smug banter of science fiction video games,…
This Compact System Lets Scientists See Biological Molecules In A Whole New Way
Researchers have combined laser techniques and an ingenious detection scheme in order to create a powerful new molecule-imaging system—a quicker, easier way to determine the identity of microscopic molecules. Basically, it’s an advanced yet surprisingly simple microscope.