laurence fishburne

  • The Matrix Revolutions Kind of Made Me Less Excited for Resurrections

    The Matrix Revolutions Kind of Made Me Less Excited for Resurrections

    Rewatching The Matrix Revolutions, the reasons why it’s regarded so poorly are crystal clear. The story is disjointed, characters don’t particularly change, the action scenes feel either completely unnecessary or way too long, and the ending is terrible. Coming after the all-but-perfect original film and flawed but forgivable sequel, Revolutions is a huge letdown. It…

  • That The Matrix Even Exists Is a Miracle

    That The Matrix Even Exists Is a Miracle

    Seeing The Matrix for the first time was one of the most formative experiences in my personal cinematic journey. It was a few weeks before release, the film was screening early at my college, and everyone piled in for the random, free Keanu Reeves movie. No one knew what we were in for. Minutes later, film…