Biden Administration Approves Huge Oil and Gas Project in Alaska
The Biden administration on Monday gave the green light to an enormous oil and gas project in Alaska, following months of increasing opposition from environmental activists who say that the approval runs counter to the administration’s promise to act on climate.
A Major Law Firm Will Soon Be Using A Robotic Lawyer
An “artificial-intelligence attorney” created using technology from IBM’s Watson has snagged its first customer, but that doesn’t mean it will be appearing in the courtroom any time soon.
Apple Denied Permanent Sales Ban On Samsung Devices
Though Apple won a fresh billion dollars in the US patent infringement case, Apple won’t be able to kill Samsung products dead. Judge Lucy Koh, the federal judge that presided over Apple v Samsung, has denied Apple a permanent injunction against Samsung. Samsung can still sell the products that infringed on Apple’s patents.
Move Over Watson, Here Come The Computer Lawyers
Woe be to the humble lawyer and overworked paralegal. Like master chess players and Jeopardy contestants before them, they too are now in the crosshairs of a superior artificial intelligence.