liquid nitrogen
Watch Liquid Nitrogen Dance Around On Different Fluids
Video: Liquid nitrogen is an endless source of fun. You can freeze things and smash things into pieces. Or you could pour it onto things and then watch the smoke monster move around and then smash things into pieces. Or you could dunk things in it and then watch the smoke disappear and then smash…
Can Liquid Nitrogen Put Out An On-Fire Swimming Pool?
Video: Teenage rebellion takes many forms. Some of us get dumb haircuts or listen to some truly terrible music. But for the amateur scientist, breaking your mother’s heart* involves diethyl ether and the family pool.
What Happens When You Crack An Egg Into Liquid Nitrogen?
Video: There are something like a thousand ways to cook an egg, with each of them being just as delicious as the next. But what if you cooked an egg in liquid nitrogen? What would happen? From the looks of this video, it looks like the egg freezes into this chalky styrofoam texture that looks…
Indestructible Hockey Puck Survives Liquid Nitrogen And Hot Nickel Ball
Boom… and nothing. A hockey puck doesn’t break when you freeze it in liquid nitrogen and then smash it with a hammer or drop an 36kg weight on it. But that’s because hockey pucks are meant for the cold, right!? Well, even if you go the opposite way and try to torch it with the…