lois lane

  • DC’s Letting Static Shock Hop Over to YA Graphic Novels

    DC’s Letting Static Shock Hop Over to YA Graphic Novels

    Static Shock was one of the more comparatively underrated superhero shows of the early 2000s, and the character’s return to the popular culture has been slow going. He and other Milestone characters are now enjoying a return in the comics space, and he’s due to theoretically receive a movie sometime in the near future. To…

  • DC’s Injustice Movie Finds the Voice Actors Among Us

    DC’s Injustice Movie Finds the Voice Actors Among Us

    We’re big fans of Tom Taylor’s Injustice: Gods Among Us comics, dubbing it the greatest “Superman goes evil” story ever written. So by extension, we’re looking forward to WB Animation’s upcoming movie adaptation — especially now that the first details have been released.