
  • Humans Are Pumping Even More Methane Into The Atmosphere Than We Realised

    Humans Are Pumping Even More Methane Into The Atmosphere Than We Realised

    Researchers looking at air bubbles trapped in Antarctic ice have found humans are putting more methane into the atmosphere through fossil fuel emissions than previously thought. Using ice cores from Antarctica’s Taylor Glacier, an international team of researchers – including New Zealand and Australian scientists – measured natural rates of methane in the atmosphere over…

  • Scientists Just Discovered A Major New Source Of Carbon Emissions

    Scientists Just Discovered A Major New Source Of Carbon Emissions

    File this under bad news for humanity’s climate ambitions: The dams and reservoirs we use to harness ‘clean’ hydroelectric power and irrigate our crops apparently emit carbon. A lot of it. All told, man-made reservoirs release roughly a gigaton of heat-trapping greenhouse gases each year. That’s more than the entire nation of Canada.